Carro Releases

June 2024
  • Brand and typo search improvements.
  • General bug fixes and updates.
May 2024
  • New Retailer plans and pricing.
  • New login capability for non-Shopify users.
  • General bug fixes and updates.
April 2024
  • New revenue split negotiations feature.
  • General bug fixes and updates.
March 2024
  • Favorites/Save for Later functionality added to the directory.
  • Improvements to Fulfillment Time in supplier settings page.
  • General bug fixes and updates.
February 2024
  • Security improvements around token authentication.
  • General bug fixes and updates.
January 2024
  • Added new permission requirement for Shopify users.
  • Update to Carro Enterprise plans (now must book a meeting).
  • General bug fixes and updates.
December 2023
  • Removed all Fulfillment Partners from the Directory.
  • General bug fixes and updates.
November 2023
  • Banner upgrade to reflect severity.
  • General bug fixes and updates.
October 2023
  • Fixed product image cropping issue.
  • Inventory filter added to the directory.
  • Fulfillment brand and partners added to the directory.
  • Carro Directory search and filters upgraded
  • General bug fixes and updates.